15 Questions to Ask an Orthopedic Surgeon
Find out what's at stake with your surgery. Orthopedic surgery could be anything from a minimally invasive procedure to a complex reconstruction involving hours on the operating table. Click here to read more.
Does Harvey Weinstein Really Needs That Walker
Is he just trying to drum up sympathy as his trial begins this week? Dr. Fischer shares her opinion. Read the full story here.
Sciatica: Disease or Symptom?
Many people believe that sciatica is a disease, but that’s not true. Sciatica is a symptom of an underlying medical problem that is related to the sciatic nerve. The largest nerve in the body, it begins in the spinal cord and run down through both buttocks and legs to the feet. When the sciatic...
Exercising and Lower Back Pain
Many people think that the best remedy for lower back pain is to rest and take it easy, but the opposite is true. Movement and exercise, when done properly, can get you on the road to recovery more quickly. Serious back pain that is constant, keeps you awake, radiates to other body parts, or is...
11 posture mistakes you’re probably making — and how to fix them
Do you take stretch breaks? Experts say you should. Click here to read the full article
Common Causes of Back Pain and How to Avoid It
One of the most common health complaints is back pain, affecting many aspects of a person’s life. It can strike at any age and occur suddenly or creep up slowly. It ranges from mild to severe, even becoming debilitating in some cases. The back is comprised of an intricate system of bones,...
Why this orthopedic surgeon insists women should ‘sit like a man’
What does it mean to sit like a man? Click here to read the full article.
5 Things to Blame For Daily Back Pain
Back pain is bothersome, irritating, energy depleting, and worthy of a whiny text to your best friend, mom, or anyone who will listen. But did you know this specific ache is also shockingly common in adults? Click here to read the full article.
Text Neck: A Sign of the Times
Throughout the history of medicine, there are numerous things that can cause injury or discomfort to the neck. It is a modern phenomenon that over-texting on your cell phone can be added to that list. Dr. Fischer in New York City has encountered an increasing number of patients with complaints...
Learning More About Lumbar Spinal Fusion
Permanently joining together one or more of the vertebrae in your spine is called spinal fusion. If you experience back, leg or arm pain, it may indicate that your vertebrae are rubbing against one another. Spinal fusion surgery stabilizes the spine, creates normal disc space between the bones,...