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333 East 38th Street, 6th Floor New York, NY 10016


In 1971, Lieutenant Colonel William H. Northhacker of Fleischmanns, NY, injured his hand and neck during an army parachute jump. As a result, he struggled with pain for most of his life. He tried various medications and several rounds of physical therapy over more than four decades. Nothing helped.

“After 43 years of unrelenting back, neck, and shoulder pain, I selected Charla Fischer, MD, to consult with her on the pain,” said the retired Lieut. Colonel.
Dr. Fischer reviewed the exhaustive list of therapies that Northhacker had already tried and conducted a thorough exam before the pair discussed his remaining treatment options.
They agreed that cervical spine surgery offered the best chance to mitigate the nagging, persistent discomfort that had plagued him since his days in the US Army’s Special Forces.
“Her analysis and skill as a surgeon resulted in total elimination of the pain,” said Northhacker. In October 2014, Dr. Fisher removed two ruptured discs and fused the injured vertebra in his spine, providing immediate symptom improvement.
Now completely pain-free, Northhacker said “I feel like a new man.”