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Minimally Invasive Microdiscectomy Explained

Minimally Invasive Microdiscectomy Explained

Back pain is often a condition that negatively impacts every aspect of your life, making day-to-day activities sometimes impossible. It can become unbearable to the point that surgery is a welcome solution. However, spinal surgery does not have to be the scary and...
Examining Neck Pain

Examining Neck Pain

As you might’ve guessed, the neck is made up of many sensitive and delicate components that work together to support your head and give it mobility and function. Your neck is exposed to stresses all day long and sometimes even during the night when you’re sleeping. If...
Ways to Prevent Lower Back Strain

Ways to Prevent Lower Back Strain

Your lower back is a complex system of bones, nerves, muscles and more that combine to provide your body with strength and flexibility. This complexity also makes it susceptible to problems that can cause pain not only in your back but also other areas like your legs...
What is Navigation-Assisted Spine Surgery?

What is Navigation-Assisted Spine Surgery?

Computer, or navigation, assisted surgery is an innovative technology that has made its way to spine surgeries. Becoming increasingly popular with surgeons and patients, it provides better visualization and a higher degree of accuracy than traditional spine surgeries....